When the Challenge is Complex,
the Effective Solution is Quite Often a Package of Simple Solutions
We Create Simple Solution Packages for the Challenge at Hand
Based on what delivered needed results where our long-standing solution approaches failed us
Across industries, fields and challenges
Because the fundamental intervention points relate to complexity. As a result, they tend to be the same or similar.
When applied in a field of
The following results were achieved
Manifesto Tutorial
Part 3.1: Practices Which Break Trust Versus Practices Which BUILD Trust
White Paper
When the matter at hand or the environment is complex
From individual coaching and ‘small’ projects involving 10 employees, up to Enterprise and Government levels
Implementation and operations experiences with 30,000 employees in a 100,000-employee company
Strategy, Project, Regulation, Process, Organisation and so forth
The Law of Nature Manifesto’s tutorial video series
A navigation system to
Free to use under Creative Commons license
Manifesto introduction workshops
This workshop deepens Manifesto findings and solution possibilities waiting to be unleashed. It identifies activities to get started in the specific environment
Quick Health checks
Manifesto based. You decide what is relevant and what should be addressed, not the external analyst, advisor, best practice or trend.
To quickly identify
Duration: From 2 hours to 1 day
Specific Health checks
In addition to the Quick Health Check, this includes the identification of situation-specific lessons learned, gaps and conflicts and intervention possibilities
Manifesto-based coaching
During decision-making and/or for individuals and groups.
To prevent costly correction needs by coaching for early alignment with relevant Laws of Nature, executability, scalability and sustainability needs.
The coach guides individuals or decision-making processes to find relevant new insights and solutions. When the internal knowledge is exhausted, external insights and solutions are brought in. The participants decide what is relevant. Only contributions identified as relevant will be used.
Facilitating the creation of executable solution frameworks for complex matters
Contrary to popular believe, it is often possible to identify executable solution frameworks to complex matters early on. For more information, see Law of Nature Manifesto Tutorial 3.4.2
For further information about specific possibilities or services, please contact us with brief information on the matter at hand.