Training and Coaching

Training and Coaching Services

Training and certification

The Law of Nature


Free introductory sessions

Your takeaways

  • The two missing keys to solving the decision-maker’s dilemma
  • A game-changing policy for decision-makers at all levels 


Managers, executives, advisors, experts, team leaders, project managers, and initiative owners wanting to solve difficult problems in the face of overwhelming complexity or crippling bureaucracy


Manifesto Level-2 add-ons

Environment specific workshops and coaching

Your takeaways:

  • Insights from listening beyond the surface: From other participants; from projects that delivered results where others did not 
  • Recognizing relevant phenomena and Laws of Nature, as well as actions they demand 
  • How guiding questions can be used to get people on board
  • How natural workflows can make bureaucratic processes obsolete 
  • An ‘old’ workshop method to quickly identify executable solution frameworks for (highly) complex matters (quick overview) 


Managers, executives, advisors, experts, project managers, and initiative owners 


Manifesto Level-3 add-ons

Environment specific workshops and coaching

Your takeaways for implementing essential practices and solutions

  • Practicing how to listen beyond the surface  and identifying root causes of high(est) impact
  • ‘Standard root causes of the highest impact and solutions thereof
  • Creating executable solution frameworks


Managers, experts, project managers and initiative owners tasked to solve problems in the face of overwhelming complexity or crippling bureaucracy